Yiayia's Journey Part 12

After my grandparents lost savings in the post WWII Greek economy, the ever determined Yiayia would live by a new euphemism. Yes, "such was the life" - but for her family to adapt and to endure, they would "never put the chicken eggs in one basket again." And that was that. 
So while Papou settled into a new restaurant in New Kensington - "The Kopper Kettle" - Yiayia decided to wait tables there. And even though some diners assumed she was French and called her 'Fifi', somehow they didn't find her hair in their soup! Yet when it came to her children, Yiayia was far less lenient. By her insistence, all were duly employed by the age of 12. Daughters Chrysanthy and Anastasia as assistant librarians. Little Tasso as a junior custodian, then a future shoe-shiner, a paper boy, and a farm hand.

Yiayia's master plan? The harder the children worked, the more deeply they'd appreciate American education. And that was that. For after all, no one dared challenge Mama's grand vision. While some Greek mothers threatened the wooden "koutala" (spoon), Yiayia had only to bend, then bite her index knuckle - and that sign of displeasure quickly did the trick. 
And so when she decreed it was time SHE learn to drive, that was also that. Crammed into the back seat of neighbor Mrs. Miller's '39 Ford, the children battled carsickness while Yiayia battled the 4-speed stick shift. And when she declared the time -still- wasn't right to buy a family car, no one complained. After all, they'd always walked everywhere, so what were a few more years on their feet? So that was that. And when Mama insisted the children "just sign the bank card!" they did just that - and were later amazed to learn she meticulously tracked interest rates and used a stockbroker. 

And finally after a few more years, when Yiayia announced, "the moment has come" - no one uttered a word of dissent. For it had been 18 long years since Yiayia had left the shores of Greece to emigrate to America. And it was finally time to reunite with the beloved mother and siblings she'd left behind so very long ago. 


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